Wow, it's been like a RLY long time since I've been at this library. It's the Clinton one that I used to come to as a kid. Oh, the memories. Actually, it's been a long time since I've been to ANY library
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I am currently at the computer library and plan on being here for awhile, since my computer's crap. If anyone wants to get online and chat with me, I'd appreciate it. I'm feeling kinda lonely...
Well, I'm in the computer library, and I just found the link to that Harry/Parvati fic I was talking about. It's called Lost and Found, and it's a one-shot by Cynthia Black
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Didn't really do all that much today. I was able to go to the library during 5th period cause there was no work for us to do--and I got to fiddle around with adding avatars to my account at photobucket.
BTW, I have only two reviews for the fourth chappie of Seven Days. Review, people!